This function will run heatmap on the output of precise_dist or a list of distance matrices.

precise_heatmap(data, method = "complete", type = "ggplot2",
  diagonal = NULL, parallel = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



A square, numeric dataframe, matrix or tibble.


TRUE or FALSE. Should the function tell you what is happening internally?


A positive integer for the number of iterations. See details.


A positive integer that loosely equates to the number of nearest neighboors. See details.


A positive numeric value between 0-1 that toggles between exact heatmap and Barnes-Hut heatmap. See details.


A string to be used as the suffix for the output distance name.


NULL or the absolute path to save the results as an RData file.


An integer value equal to 1 or greater for the number of computer cores to use.


A list of heatmap results, which can be viewed with trellis_heatmap.


toggles between two versions of heatmap. If theta = 0.0, a modified version of heatmap is run, otherwise if theta > 0.0, heatmap is run.


Muchmore, B., Muchmore P. and Alarcón-Riquelme ME. (2018). Optimal Distance Matrix Construction with PreciseDist and PreciseGraph.


library(PreciseDist) test_matrix <- replicate(10, rnorm(100)) test_dists <- test_matrix %>% precise_dist(c("manhattan", "euclidean"))
#> [1] "Starting dists calculations at 2018-11-29 15:20:24" #> [1] "Finished dists calculations at 2018-11-29 15:20:25" #> [1] "Calculations took: 0.5 seconds" #> [1] "Starting dist_funcs calculations at 2018-11-29 15:20:25" #> [1] "Finished dist_funcs calculations at 2018-11-29 15:20:25" #> [1] "Calculations took: 0 seconds"
test_heatmap <- test_dists %>% precise_heatmap(data, file = NULL, max_iter = 1001, perplexity = 15, theta = 0.0, cores = 1, suffix = "", verbose = TRUE)
#> Error in precise_heatmap(., data, file = NULL, max_iter = 1001, perplexity = 15, theta = 0, cores = 1, suffix = "", verbose = TRUE): unused arguments (file = NULL, max_iter = 1001, perplexity = 15, theta = 0, cores = 1, suffix = "")