Data |
RNA-seq data |
Main FunctionsThese functions provide the results all other functions are built around, although many functions were designed to be used with self-produced data as well. The general order of operations is the same as the listed order. |
Create multiple distance matrices with optional resampling |
Fuse multiple distance matrices into a single distance matrix |
Create a sparse, clustered graph from a distance matrix |
Visualize the results of |
General HelpersThese functions are not an explicit part of the PreciseDist workflow, but can be helpful for it’s successful completeion. |
Access the list of all built-in distances |
Create distance functions for input into precise_dist |
Matrix correlations between multiple distance matrices |
Transformation functions for a list of distance matrices or the output of |
Create a sparse, clustered graph from a distance matrix |
Calculate data statistics |
Calculate data statistics |
TrelliscopeJS HelpersThese functions are set-up functions, so that we can utilize the small mutiples principle of data vizualization downstream to allow for efficent data interactions. While the results are meant to be used with |
Run heatmap on the results of precise_dist |
Run tsne on the results of precise_dist |
Run umap on the results of precise_dist |
Create a trelliscopejs object populated by 2D plots |
Create a trelliscopejs object populated by descriptors |
Create a trelliscopejs object populated by descriptors |
Create a trellisopejs object populated by pivot tables. |
TrelliscopeJS WrapperThis function is a wrapper around TrelliscopeJS with a few additions. See for more information about the output. |
While trelliscopejs is a very powerful visualization paradigm,
it can be hard to munge the data into the appropriate format. This function automatically creates a trelliscopejs visualization
populated with pivot tables created by |
Miscellaneous |
Images |